There will be a Business Meeting following the morning service on Sunday, October 29th to:

  1. Nominate 3 members to serve on the Nominating Committee alongside Deacons Steve Kinsey and Chris McCallum and Pastors John and Zeth.
  2. Vote on the Membership Applications of Alin & Erika Herciu.
  3. Vote on removing the following members from membership due to inactivity as per By-Law 6.05 — Becky Burks, Deb Demas, Mildred Farrow, Ron Farrow, Dale Gough, Darren Kinsey, Sarah Kotlar, George Robinson, Gloria Robinson, Clara Salamon, Russ Salamon, Andrew Tenk, Joel Twinem, John Wiebe, Suzanne Wiebe and Margaret Wieler
  4. Update on the $30,000 that was not allocated at the AGM