Be in the Word Daily in 2025!
The Bible answers the most fundamental questions about who God is, who we are, and why we need Jesus. The answers to these questions impact how we live our everyday lives. Biblical literacy involves a deeper awareness of the meaning of what is in the Bible – how God’s grand narrative unfolds from the first words in Genesis 1 to the very last words of Revelation, how there’s one common thread that knits it all together, that there is meaning behind every word and every story God chose to include in His book of instruction. At SBC we want to approach the Bible for what it is: alive and active, God’s living Word (Hebrews 4:12). To encourage this, we will again be using The Bible Project’s reading plan and videos to be in the Word in 2025. Each week we will share the Bible reading schedule in the bulletin. You can also sign up to receive a weekly reading plan reminder sent to you via email. Please send an email to to be added to the email list.
2025 Bible in a Year Reading Schedule:
January 17 Exodus 1-3, Psalm 17; Torah: Exodus 1-18; Exodus Book Guide
January 18 Exodus 4-6; Psalm 18; Moses and Aaron
January 19 Exodus 7-9; Psalm 19; Article
January 20 Exodus 10-12; Psalm 20
January 21 Exodus 13-15; Psalm 21; Article
January 22 Exodus 16-18; Psalm 22; Overview Exodus 1-18
January 23 Exodus 19-21; Psalm 23; Exodus 19-40; Article
January 24 Exodus 22-24; Psalm 24; Torah: Exodus 19-40; Article
January 25 Exodus 25-27; Psalm 25; Royal Priests of Eden
This is an article from 2015, but it holds some unchanging truth – 7 Reasons to Ready The Bible. (It’s actually part of a series of posts that you might want to also read – they are linked in the article).
The One Story That Leads to Jesus reading plan will guide you through the entire Bible in one year. Each day, you’ll read a few chapters as you make your way from Genesis to Revelation. Each day’s reading features a psalm for you to meditate on through quiet reflection and prayer. By the end of the year, you’ll have read through this entire book of biblical poetry more than twice.
Before you dive into a new book of the Bible,there is an overview video that outlines the structure of the book and its central themes. In addition to these overview videos, there are many theme videos that explore topics found within each reading section.
The reading plan details can be found here The One Story That Leads to Jesus
This particular plan is not the only way to read through the Bible. The Bible Reading Plan that works for you is the one that you will actually follow, having you regularly reading the Word.
Other Reading Plans
Here are 2 lists of plans that include various options from reading the Bible in its entirety in 90 days (about 45 minutes/day of reading) to reading just the New Testament in a year for a more in depth study.